When we go out into the world every day, we don’t expect to get hurt. Yet all too often, people are seriously injured – or even killed – while going about their daily lives. In some cases, this occurs because…
Lowball Insurance Offer
After a motor vehicle accident, you might be approached by an insurance adjuster for the other driver’s insurer. They may tell you that they take full responsibility for the accident, or even offer you a settlement. Is it a good…
Allstate Insurance Accident Claim Lawsuits and Settlement
If you watch TV, you’re probably familiar with the Allstate Insurance slogan: “You’re in good hands with Allstate.” While this may be true for drivers insured by Allstate, the same cannot be said for injury victims who try to file…
Erie Insurance Accident Claims, Lawsuits, and Settlements
When you’re in a motor vehicle accident, you may expect that filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer will be relatively simple. Yet too often, the process is fraught with complications and delays – and accident victims end up…
2021 Johnstone & Gabhart Mother’s Day Diaper Drop Event
1 in 3 US mothers struggles with Diaper Need. Diapers are one of the most essential, yet expensive items mothers have to purchase. Diapers are not covered by ANY state or federal program – neither food stamps nor WIC help…